Iykleva- Gent-Fluence

Featured: Gobakwe Ramokgobong ( 25 ) Protea Glen Represent

Gobakwe -Ikleva

Fefe: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your childhood?

Gobakwe: I am Gobakwe Kabelo Ramokgobong. I was born and raised in Soweto. I lived in Meadowlands then moved to Protea Glen at the age of 8.

My childhood life was quite simple. Woke up, went to school, came back home, played; ate abd then went to bed. And the same was everyday till the year 21


Fefe: What made you start your car wash business?

Gobakwe: One word, Debt! I had a huge debt at a local gym; and at that time, the carwash was the best way I could pay it off. I did pay it off eventually, but I could no longer stop, because clients kept on calling, so I had to redirect the car wash’s objective and purpose to keep it going.

Car wash

Fefe: A car wash is the most common business ekasi how do you keep yours afloat?

Gobakwe: I had to think of it as more than just a car wash. As Vusi Thembekwayo would say, “think of your ‘why'”.
What came out of it was a name ‘Gent-Fluence Carwash’; The vision is to groom and mentor young men into great leaders and pioneers.

Our generation lacks mentorship and guidance. That is what I would like to provide, and a large percentage of the carwash business, is invested in fueling that vision.

Fefe: How do you find your customers?

Gobakwe: Through word of mouth and on the business’s social media platforms.

In addition, there is a campaign I’ll be launching soon – The House-to-House Campaign. Where we’ll go around the township promoting the business and recruiting gents to join. This, I believe, is just the boost the carwash needs.


Fefe: How efficient is your working equipment?

Gobakwe: I can say the equipment is quite effective. I love it! and clients love it too. It really does enhance the quality of our service,inside and out.

Fefe: Do you work alone ?

Gobakwe: No, I have a team of guys who assist me. Especially during times when I have an emergency and cannot attend to a client. They always avail themselves.


Fefe: What is the most stressful part of your business?

Gobakwe: It’s a transition. Reaching a different level of growth. There are other factors, but this one definitely takes the cup.

Fefe: How did the lockdown affect your business ?

Gobakwe: I think, like all other non-essential businesses, it took quite a toll on us. I mean, it was really hard! We went for months without work or an income.

Now that we are on alert Level One, things have gotten much better. And just to add, I really admire the loyalty of clients, we did not loose not any of our clients.

They were all here when we got back into business. It’s a blessing to come out of a heavy lockdown and still find things afloat.


Fefe: What is your motto ?

Gobakwe: Leadership is a lifestyle.

I live by this daily. Never decide to be a leader once you have the position or the platform; start at home, with neighbors, friends, elders and young people.

Fefe: Kasi or Burbs?

Gobakwe: It’s the Burbs for me.

And if you would like to get in touch do check us out on all our social media spaces:

Facebook: Gent-Fluence
Instagram: gent_fluence

Published by kasiyouthmovement

Celebrating the youth Culture Emakasana

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